208 W 5th Street, Marshfield, WI info@marshfieldinsurance.net

Office Address

  • 208 W 5th Street, Marshfield, WI 54449
  • info@marshfieldinsurance.net
  • 715-387-4443

Social List

Maintaining Mental Well-Being During a Quarantine

MAINTAINING MENTAL WELL-BEING DURING A QUARANTINE In response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization have recommended that individuals who may have been exposed to the disease...

Marshfield Insurance Lobby to Close Temporarily

At the direction of Governor Tony Evers, all nonessential business is required to close temporarily to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Our lobby is closed effective 3/24, but open by appointment. You can still reach out to us...

Update: Coverage for Delivery Drivers of Restaurants

The OCI issued a bulletin on the morning of March 23rd that addressed the coverage gap delivery drivers would have under their personal auto policies. The OCI ordered that “insurers shall not deny a claim under a personal auto...

What Restaurants Should Know About Adapting to COVID-19

Insurance Needs as Restaurants Adapt to Coronavirus Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) As the business community adjusts to changes related to mass gatherings restrictions for COVID-19, there are insurance considerations to keep in mind. For restaurants who have moved to delivery...

A Message to Our Customers

Dear Valued Customers, There is no higher priority for our Marshfield Insurance family than the safety of your staff, families, and patrons. With the global spread of the COVID-19 virus, we are all suffering the negative effects of media...

How Coronavirus Could Impact Your Business’s Insurance

What to Know About Business Insurance and Coronavirus The new coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak continues to be a top-of-mind concern for organizations and individuals across the globe. As COVID-19 becomes increasingly widespread, it’s not only raising fears about the well-being...

Business Insurance: What Happens if My Business Closes Due to Coronavirus?

What to Know About Loss of Income Coverage if a Business Closes Due to Coronavirus Insurance-wise, what happens if your business is shut down due to coronavirus? It depends. Daycares and similar businesses being shut down due to the...

The Lowdown on Auto Insurance

Why do I need Auto Insurance? Auto insurance is a legal requirement in the State of Wisconsin, and residents who garage a car in the state have to maintain minimum liability limits of $10,000 property damage, $25,000 for the...

Insurance Tips For Before You Buy a Home

What to Know About Insurance Before You Buy a House The main components of a home policy are the Dwelling, Separate Structures, Personal Property, Loss of Use, Personal Liability, and Medical. You can add riders and coverage for just...

Stay Safe on the Ice – What’s Covered If Something Happens?

Though Marshfield Insurance hasn’t historically seen many claims of vehicles going through the ice, it is still important to exercise caution when venturing out on the frozen water. If a vehicle goes through the ice, some auto insurance policies...