Initiated by Nationwide in 2014, Grain Bin Safety Week is an annual campaign recurring the third full week of February to promote grain bin safety on farms and commercial grain-handling facilities.
A collaborative effort with industry leaders and agricultural professionals, Grain Bin Safety Week was created to raise awareness about grain bin dangers, provide education, and share best safety practices.
Marshfield Insurance is proud to participate in “Grain Bin Safety Week 2019” by sharing Risk Management Tools from Nationwide on topics such as how to enter a grain bin safely, checklists to safely store and manage grain, and more.
Click here to see them.
Together, we can all work to reduce the number of preventable injuries and deaths associated with grain handling and storage.
Injuries and fatalities: the startling facts
• Suffocation from engulfment is a leading cause of death in grain bin accidents.
• It takes only seconds to be completely engulfed in flowing grain or overcome by oxygen-deficient atmospheres.
• 24 documented grain entrapments resulted in 14 deaths (58% fatality rate) in 2015.
• 38 documented grain entrapments resulted in 18 deaths in 2014 – the highest recorded since 2010.
• In 2010, at least 26 U.S. workers were killed in grain engulfments − the highest fatalities on record.
Source: 2015 Summary of U.S. Agricultural Confined Space-Related Injuries and Fatalities
Nominate your fire department for a grain bin rescue tube
Grain Bin Safety Week also promotes awareness of life-saving grain extraction methods and procedures that help first responders rescue farmers and other workers who’ve been trapped in grain bins or other storage facilities.
Rural fire fighters are often the first and only line of defense when someone becomes helplessly trapped in grain. Unfortunately, many fire departments lack the specialized rescue techniques and equipment necessary for a successful grain bin rescue.
Now through April 30, the annual
Nominate Your Fire Department Contest enables communities to nominate their local fire department to win a grain rescue tube. In addition to the rescue tube, winners also receive specialized rescue training.
Click here for a great article on what to do if you get trapped in a grain bin!