Helpful Tips for Keeping You on Your Feet
Wet floors, spills, and excess clutter can spell disaster for employees—leading to lost pay and, in many cases, serious injuries. From sprained muscles and joints to broken bones and head injuries, slips, trips, and falls can have severe consequences. Below are several precautions you can take to ensure your safety and the safety of your co-workers.
-Keep Floors Clean and Dry: Wet floors not only present a slip hazard but can also promote the growth of mold, fungi, and bacteria.
-Clear Aisles and Passageways: Remove all objects and clutter from aisles, exits, and passageways to ensure unobstructed paths.
-Promptly Address Spills: If grease or oil spills in the kitchen or any other area, clean it immediately and alert your co-workers.
-Safe Use of Electrical Plugs: Use floor or ceiling electrical plugs for power instead of running cords along long hallways.
-Warning Signs: Display signs to alert others when a floor is wet.
-Use Floor Mats: Place mats while surfaces are drying after cleaning to provide additional traction.
-Apply No-Skid Products: In areas prone to slipping (such as toilet and shower areas), use a no-skid wax product.
-Protective Footwear: When washing the floor, wear appropriate footgear to minimize the risk of slipping.
-Address Uneven Floors: Regularly check for uneven floors and repair them immediately or notify someone who can.
Other Recommendations
-Use Strong Ladders: Always use sturdy ladders for reaching high places instead of small stools or boxes.
-Maintain Carpets: Stretch out bulging carpets to prevent trips and falls.
-Handrails: Use handrails while walking down stairs to avoid slipping, especially when walking quickly.
-Lighting: Repair broken light fixtures and replace bulbs to ensure adequate visibility.
Always Stay Alert
Adopt a “see it, sort it” mentality. If you notice any potential slipping, tripping, or falling hazard—whether for yourself or a co-worker—act immediately to remedy the situation or notify your supervisor. Your prompt action could prevent a serious injury and save someone from lost pay and pain.
This flyer is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical or legal advice.
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