Theodore “Ted” Schleisner, a Commercial Insurance Agent at Marshfield Insurance, recently completed the esteemed Heart of Wisconsin Community Leadership Program. This program is a dynamic and interactive leadership development initiative that aims to deepen participants’ understanding of the community, equip them with practical tools for effective leadership, and empower them to drive positive change.
As part of his involvement in the program, Ted led a project group called “Rally at Sand Valley.” This initiative involved organizing a one-day event for one hundred high school students, focused on engaging them in interactive projects and activities designed to push them beyond their comfort zones.
The event offered opportunities to interact with fascinating animals, sample foreign delicacies, and foster social connections without relying on technology.
Nick Arnoldy, CEO of Marshfield Insurance, highlighted the significance of fostering a sense of community among their staff. He emphasized the essential role that small businesses play in the development of evolving communities, expressing their desire to actively contribute.
“As a resident of Wisconsin Rapids and a valued member of our agency, Ted has consistently demonstrated his interest and willingness to help us achieve that goal,” Arnoldy said.
Congrats, Ted!