208 W 5th Street, Marshfield, WI info@marshfieldinsurance.net

Office Address

  • 208 W 5th Street, Marshfield, WI 54449
  • info@marshfieldinsurance.net
  • 715-387-4443

Social List

Errors & Omissions Insurance – Are You Protected?

Is your business protected? Any business that offers professional advice or services or whose product/work could cause indirect damages or be costly to repair/replace if there is faulty workmanship, product or design should consider purchasing Errors & Omissions insurance....

Making Sure Your Website is ADA Compliant

Understanding and complying with ADA requirements online is an important consideration for businesses, and one that Marshfield Insurance can help navigate. “ADA compliant websites are not law, yet. However, there were 2000 lawsuits in 2018 with the average claim...

Learn How to Protect Your Data During National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

In honor of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month this October, Ryan Arnoldy shares some information on what every business and person should know to keep data protected. Why is Cybersecurity so important in insurance?: Any business that maintains data on...

Marshfield Insurance Agents Go Casual for a Cause

Marshfield Insurance Agency is going casual for a cause in support of Marshfield Area United Way. Since 2014, employees have donated $1 for the opportunity to wear jeans on Badgers, Packers and Brewers game days or casual Fridays. “Marshfield...

October 2019 Newsletter

Happy October! It’s beginning to feel a lot like autumn here in Central Wisconsin! It’s a new month, which means another newsletter from your friends at Marshfield Insurance! Here’s what to expect in this issue… Before your teen hits...

Why to Consider Business Income Coverage

If your business experiences a power outage and you can’t be open for your customers, are you protected? Are you a landlord and due to a total loss of the home/apartment you rent to others, you can no longer...

Health Insurance Deadlines 2019

Open Enrollment Starts in October It’s almost open enrollment time for health insurance coverage and your Marshfield Insurance team is here to to help navigate the often confusing process. “Open enrollment is the only time of the year to...

What You Need to Know About Insuring Your Teen Driver

If your teenager is about to get their driver’s license, it’s a good time to call your Marshfield Insurance representative. “When a student starts drivers education at 15 ½ they don’t have to be added to their parents policy....

Commercial Risk Agent Pete Lotzer Joins 2019-2020 Leadership Marshfield Class

Leadership Marshfield Program Highlights Community Each year, one individual from Marshfield Insurance participates in Marshfield Area Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MACCI)’s “Leadership Marshfield” program. “I think Leadership Marshfield highlights our commitment to the Marshfield area,” said Nick Arnoldy....