Voting has commenced for the “United We Can” fundraiser for United Way, with donations that will then be donated to Soup or Socks Food Pantry & Clothes Closet and St Vincent de Paul. The Leadership Marshfield project kicked off earlier this month, with local businesses collecting non-perishable food items and then constructing sculptures from their collection.
Spearheaded by Leadership Marshfield classmates Stephanie Rasmussen (Marshfield Insurance), Becky Cera (Forward Bank), Carlos Escudero (ODC), and Angie Loucks (Columbus Schools), the can drive’s goal was to resurrect a former United Way fundraiser that helps those in need.
Participating businesses were creative in their sculptures. Marshfield Insurance built a scene from the movie “UP!” featuring 795 cans.
“We wanted to tie the design into Marshfield Insurance’s mission and make it more relatable to what we do,” said Rasmussen. “Our theme is: Here for you through life’s ups and downs…Marshfield Insurance.”
Awards will be presented for the following categories: Fan favorite (251 items or more), fan favorite (250 items or less), tallest sculpture, and sculpture with the most items used. Voting takes place today through May 28, and the winner will be announced June 1.