208 W 5th Street, Marshfield, WI info@marshfieldinsurance.net

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Home Insurance Claim 101

Home insurance claims may be necessary for various reasons, including property damage from events like fire, windstorm, or vandalism, as well as theft or burglary. Liability claims can arise if someone is injured on your property, necessitating coverage for medical expenses and legal fees.

Natural disasters such as earthquakes or floods may also require filing a claim for damages. Additionally, coverage may extend to accidental damage, loss of personal property, and providing for additional living expenses if your home becomes uninhabitable.

It’s important to understand your policy’s coverage and exclusions, and while filing claims can help in times of need, frequent claims may impact your premiums and policy renewal.

 Having an independent agent like those at Marshfield Insurance to guide you can be a huge asset during a claim.

What Happens After You File a Home Insurance Claim

If something happens and you need to file a home insurance claim (or aren’t sure whether you need to), contact Marshfield Insurance Agency first at 715-387-4443. We’ll help you throughout the entire process.

After you file a home insurance claim, the insurance company will typically follow a process to assess the claim and determine how to proceed. Each company is different, but our agents are familiar with all of them and will assist the process.

Here’s a general overview of what happens after you file a home insurance claim:

  1. Claim Notification: Once you’ve filed a claim, your insurance company will acknowledge receipt of the claim and assign it to a claims adjuster.

  2. Claims Investigation: The claims adjuster will investigate the details of the claim. This may involve contacting you for additional information, inspecting the damage to your home, and assessing the extent of the loss. They may also review any relevant documentation or evidence.

  3. Coverage Determination: The insurance company will review your policy to determine if the damage or loss is covered under your policy. They’ll assess whether the cause of the damage is a covered peril, such as fire, theft, or water damage.

  4. Estimation of Damages: Based on the investigation, the adjuster will estimate the cost of repairing or replacing the damaged property. They may use contractors or other professionals to provide estimates.

  5. Claim Settlement: Once the investigation is complete and the coverage and damages are determined, the insurance company will make a settlement offer. This offer will outline the amount they’re willing to pay to settle the claim.

  6. Resolution: If you agree to the settlement offer, the insurance company will typically issue a payment to cover the damages. If you disagree with the offer, you may negotiate with the insurance company or initiate an appeal process.

  7. Repairs or Replacement: After the settlement is reached, you can proceed with repairing or replacing the damaged property. You may need to provide documentation of the repairs or replacements to the insurance company.

It’s important to communicate promptly and thoroughly with your insurance company throughout the claims process to ensure a smooth resolution. Keep records of all communications, documents, and expenses related to the claim for reference.

How an Independent Agent Helps

Having an independent insurance agent can provide several benefits when filing a claim:

  1. Personalized Service: Independent agents provide personalized service tailored to your specific needs. They can offer advice on coverage options and help you choose a policy that best suits your requirements.

  2. Claims Assistance: Independent agents can assist you throughout the claims process, acting as an intermediary between you and the insurance company. They can help you understand your policy, explain the claims process, and advocate on your behalf if there are any disputes or issues.

  3. Advocacy: In the event of a claim, your independent agent can advocate for you with the insurance company, ensuring that your interests are represented and that you receive fair treatment. They can help expedite the claims process and work to resolve any issues that may arise.

  4. Policy Review: Independent agents can periodically review your policy to ensure that you have adequate coverage and that your insurance needs are being met. They can advise you on any updates or changes that may be necessary to keep your coverage up to date.

  5. Access to Multiple Carriers: Independent agents work with multiple insurance carriers, giving you access to a wider range of coverage options and pricing. This allows them to shop around on your behalf to find the best policy at the most competitive rate.

  6. Local Knowledge: Independent agents are often part of the local community and have a deep understanding of local insurance trends, regulations, and risks. They can provide valuable insights and recommendations based on their knowledge of the area.

Having an independent insurance agent can provide peace of mind knowing that you have a knowledgeable advocate on your side to help navigate the complexities of the insurance process, especially when filing a claim.

Contact Marshfield Insurance Agency today to get started! We’re here to help you every step of the way.

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